Day 04 - Calculation

Postet av Camilla den 5. Feb 2024

Daily UI 100 Days Challenge


💬 Prompt 

Design a calculation element or interface. Is it a standard calculator, a scientific one, or specialty calculator for something such as a home mortgage or auto loan? Is it to forecast a calculation such as for a credit score? Is it for a phone, a tablet, a web app?

🎯My approach 

I wanted to redesign the Norwegian VAT calculator,, that I have had to use in the past to calculate prices for a webshop for another project I was working on. Having used the site before, I quickly started to identifiy the areas where the design could be improved, both on desktop and mobile, in order to elevate the user experience of the VAT calculator.

🎨Design focus

  • Cross-platform consistency: creating a calculator that is easy to use both on mobile and desktop.
  • Minimizing cognitive load: users of a VAT calculator are likely dealing with a lot of numbers. The goal is to keep things simple and making it easier for users to navigate and manage their calculations.



Check out the mockup in Figma here!


— Guest